
Invisalign and other clear aligners help you get a beautiful straight smile without the hassle of having permanent braces attached to your teeth. These aligners are made of smooth, almost invisible plastic that gradually move your teeth into place. About every 2 weeks, you start wearing a new set of aligners until your Invisalign treatment is completed. Dr. Utley is a proud provider of Invisalign aligners and can work with you to get the straight teeth you desire.


Ask Dr. Utley about Invisalign


The first step to starting an Invisalign treatment is to ask! Don’t be shy! We can discuss the possibilities of Invisalign with you but we need to know that you are interested first. 


You can consult with Dr. Utley about Invisalign at a regular checkup or schedule a consultation to specifically talk about how Invisalign can help you straighten your teeth and whether you are a candidate for this therapy.


Types of Problems Invisalign can Solve


Every mouth is individual! There are many different types of problems that Invisalign can solve. Dr. Utley will make sure that you are a good candidate prior to starting any treatment but in general Invisalign can solve many problems including

  • Crowded Teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gaps in your Teeth
  • Open bite
  • Straightening Crooked Teeth


The Treatment


Once you have decided to go forward with Invisalign, the dentist will take a digital 3D image of your mouth and prepare a treatment plan for you individually. Every mouth is different! 


Dr. Utley will discuss the length of time needed for treatment and will show you a digital representation of the changes that will occur with your teeth. You will get to see what the final smile will look like! 


Aligners will be Made for your Mouth


The digital images will be sent to the manufacturer to create a series of retainers or aligners that will gently move your teeth into the desired position. These aligners are made specifically for you with your digital images. The manufacturer and the dentist will pay special attention to your gum line, as every gum line is different, and ensure that the aligners are a good fit. 

After the retainers are made, Dr. Utley will have you come in to make sure the aligners are a good fit.  This is a good time to ask about any questions you may have about the treatment. You will be sent home with a series of retainers that are changed every 2 weeks with occasional checkups with Dr. Utley.


Wearing Invisalign


Many people do not want the hassle or look of braces, especially as an adult.  With Invisalign, you can keep your lifestyle the same and still straighten your teeth!  Because Invisalign is made of clear plastic, many people won’t even notice that you are wearing them.  


Because you can remove them for eating, this means that you can still keep eating your favorite foods, brushing and flossing like normal, and just going about your everyday life.  For the best results, wear your retainers 20 to 22 hours a day. This gives you plenty of time to go out, enjoy your favorite foods and lead the active lifestyle you are used to.  


Cleaning the Aligners


Although the aligners will be changed every 2 weeks, you are able to clean the aligners easily if needed. It is recommended to brush your teeth after every meal before putting the aligners back in to prevent any staining of the plastic. You can also brush the retainers with a toothbrush and toothpaste like you would for your teeth, then rinse the retainers in water. 


Paying for Invisalign


Many insurance providers treat Invisalign the same as braces.  If your insurance covers orthodontic treatment, then it may be possible to have insurance cover part of the cost of treatment.  


Invisalign qualifies as healthcare expenses through your FSA (flexible savings account) or HSA (health savings account) so expenses could be paid for with pre-tax dollars.  Utley Dental will work with you to come up with a payment plan that is right for you. 




The results of Invisalign are gratifying.  Every time your look in the mirror, or give someone a big smile, you will know that your smile is the best it has ever been.  If you are interested in Invisalign for yourself or someone in your family, set up a consultation with Utley Dental today.  


(702) 435-3901


3431 E Sunset Rd #301, Las Vegas, NV  89120


Mon. – Fri. 8AM – 5PM
Emergency Hours by Request